“Batteries! We need batteries!”
When Mom says this, I know that means we are headed to our favorite store – Home Depot! It’s dog friendly, which means I get to be captain of the cart and lead the way.
As I navigated, Mom pushed. We made our way through the store, picking up some general cleaning items (whatever needs to be cleaned – I didn’t do it) and checking out the garden section. Personally, I like the flowerpots and the butterflies, but the gnomes are not my style. I think mom gets it too, because she flew right by them.
Alas, the battery aisle! Of course, a few people stopped us to say “hi” and rub my head along the way. I must be good luck or something, like Buddha. Whatever it is, keep it coming. I love people!
The batteries are for my two fans that stopped working. I’ve caught my mom standing in front of them talking like a robot before, but mostly they’re for my use on really warm days or days when I practice my agility. You think I’d be used to it, but I’m just a heavy sweater, wearing a heavy sweater of fur, might I add. Ok, so it’s not ‘heavy’ compared to many of my friends, but some days it still feels like it.
Anyway, back to Home Depot… I did actually start getting sad when it was time to check out because I didn’t want to leave, but on our way out I made another friend! This young girl walking behind us with her dad starting yelling and pointing at me, “Daddy, look at the ducky!” I’m not sure what she meant by that, but we stopped and let her pet me anyway. Like I said – I love people and I was happy that I made her smile.
Anyway, I think it’s time for a nap. More adventures later.
Ears Truly,
One Up Max
the first time i saw one up max i knew if mattie could meet him they would be best friend she love people to they could pass for twin’s