Summer break is coming to an end, which means many kiddos are swapping the pool floats and bathing suits for backpacks and lunch pails! As the resident teacher’s pet, I know all the tricks for making this school year the best year ever! Grab a brand-new, sharpened pencil and some paper and take note of these tips for a successful year:
School supplies are the best way to get excited about the new school year. Walking into school on the first day with your favorite themed folders and a new set of crayons will make any kid excited to learn. I suggest hitting up your local Target where they’ve got notebooks, folders, pens and pencils in a theme perfect for every kid!
Healthy lunches and snacks are fuel for the brain! Taking a family trip to the grocery store is a great way to make sure everyone will be excited with what they find in their lunch pail. Mix up your meals with these easy, creative lunch ideas.
After school activities are a great way to beat the post-school boredom, but don’t just settle for your regular extra-curriculars; try volunteering for your local animal shelter (my personal fave), playing your favorite board game with a friend or starting a new collection. Find your “thing” and make sure you stick to it!
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Having a buddy to walk to class with, hang out at recess with and eat lunch with is a great way to be enthusiastic about each school day. Don’t be shy though. Introduce yourself! You never know what new friendship could be formed out of a simple “hello”!
What tips do you have for a successful school year? Tag me in your back to school photos on Instagram or share with me on Facebook!
Happy learning,
One Up Max