by One Up Max | Sep 24, 2019 | Adventures of OneUpMax
You might have a bucket list for yourself, but do you have one for your pup? My mom is the best adventure partner, so we put together a few ideas that you and your pup can enjoy together. 1. Take a Hike I love the idea of hiking with little agenda other than enjoying...
by One Up Max | Mar 18, 2019 | Adventures of OneUpMax
Traveling with your pups over spring break? Don’t forget to pack a bag for your four-legged friends! I’m sharing my essentials for vacay below: Dry Shampoo After a day at the beach, my fur just isn’t as shiny and smooth. You know the feeling. Oh…you humans...
by One Up Max | Dec 19, 2018 | Adventures of OneUpMax
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why Elfie gets away with all the stunts? I’ll be honest. When Elfie first came home, I thought he was an early Christmas present. You know, a chew toy. Little did I know that if I touched him, he would lose his magic! So...
by One Up Max | Nov 21, 2018 | Adventures of OneUpMax
Once we pack away the ghouls and goblins, the holidays come fast and quick and smack you in the face. Well, they smack me in the face, anyway. Those cinnamon scented pine cones should be outpawed outlawed! Christmas seems to get all the glitz and glam, but here I sit...
by One Up Max | Nov 13, 2018 | Adventures of OneUpMax
My feelings for peanut butter are not a secret. It all started with a peanut butter stuffed Kong toy that mom gave me on my birthday one year. Since then my love for the creamy, buttery, lip-smack-uttery (did I just make up a word?!) treat has blossomed. How do you...